Ramadan & Five Pillars of Islam

One of the pillar of Islam, which is fasting, is practiced during the month of Ramadan. It is the ninth month of the Islamic (Hijri) calendar, established in the year 638 CE. It is considered the most venerated, blessed and spiritually-beneficial month of the Islamic year. Prayers, fasting, charity, and self-accountability are especially stressed at this time; religious observances associated with Ramadan are kept throughout the month.

“Ramadan is the month during which the Quran was revealed, providing guidance for the people, clear teachings, and the statute book. In this time, the Holy Quran was sent down to the earth. Messenger of ALLAH (Blessings of Allah and peace be on him) told us to search for Shab-e-Qadr in the odd numbered nights, in the last ten days of Ramzan. So, the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th or 29th night of Ramadan could be Shab-e-Qadr.  Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Power) is considered the most holy night during Ramadan.

A "Rozah" which is called "Saum" in Arabic, means to restrain. The Holy Qur-aan defines "Saum" as "patience" too which means "self-control, perseverance and determination". Thus Rozah (Saum) stands, according to Islaam, for guarding oneself against selfishness, sensual and carnal desires and protecting one's instinctive restraint and perseverance. Food, drink and sexual relation between man and woman play very important role in human life that usually destroy human values and merits if not checked. Regulating and keeping oneself away from such human needs for a certain period is Rozah (Saum). But according to Shar'ee terminology "Saum" means conscious abstinence (of a Muslim) from food, drink and sexual intercourse from dawn to dusk with the sole intention of worship.

‘Zakat’ & ‘Sadaqah’
‘Zakat’ is the third of the five pillars of individually obligatory worship Islam is built on. The Muslim, the believer in Islam, fulfills it by paying a set sum in yearly alms (mostly 2.5 percent) out of his or her prescribed forms of surplus wealth to the eight kinds of people whom God has Himself designated in the Quran as either directly deserving or as qualified beneficiaries of its payment.

‘Sadaqah’ has come to mean ‘voluntary charitable offerings’. Sadaqah, as a person’s freewill offering for the sake of God, is utterly crucial both in the world — for our relations, neighbors, and fellows in humanity — and for the everlasting disposition of our own souls in the coming Afterlife. For this reason, Islam in the repeated, explicit exhortations of its Revelation — the divine speech of the Quran and the words, actions, and sanctions of the Prophet, on him be peace — places an emphasis on voluntary charity that is without parallel.

Niyat for Fasting
 If one makes "Niyat" (intention) of fast during the night he should say: "Nawaietu Un Asooma Ghadan Lillaahi Ta'aalaa Min Faradi Ramadaana Haazaa" (I intended for the sake of Allah that I will observe obligatory fast of this Ramadaan tomarrow) and common wording of intention which is in vogue is: "Wa Bisaumay Ghadin Nawaietu Insha Allaahu Ta'aalaa". In case of making intention during the day, one should say:
"Nawaietu Un Asooma Haazal-yauma Lillaahi Ta'aalaa Min Faradi Ramadaana Haazaa"
(I intended for the sake of Allah that I will observe obligatory fast of Ramadaan today). Adding "Insha Allaahu Ta'aalaa" to the wording of Niyat is desirable act provided that it is done with the intention of seeking Allah's help and grace. Niyat must be firm. If wavering, fast will not be deemed to have been observed.

Iftaar Duaa
This "Du'aa" (supplication) should be recited at the time of breaking fast: "Allahumma inni laka sumtu wa bika aamantu wa alayka tawakkaltu wa ala rizq-ika-aftartu. Faghfirlee Maa Qaddamtu wamaa Akh-khartu." (O'Allah! I fasted for You, believed in You, depended on You and broke fast with the provisions You provided. O'Allah! Forgive me my past and future sins).

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